N. van Ham

I had heard of Vrijspraak only in passing when, at a monthly Magister drink, someone suggested applying for the position of Vrijspraak treasurer. I’d flirt with this idea for a few weeks before deciding to just go for it. And now we’re here. I remember the first meeting where I was to be sworn in and Vrijspraak still seemed to be this complicated student participation organisation, a tangle of meetings, bodies and functions. Sure I had memorised the committees for my interview but there was so much more to it than that. And now I found myself in this intimidating conference room with microphones and the best chairs you’ll ever sit in. Looking back, I’m glad I took my leap of faith and I think it would be a shame if others are unaware of what is, in my completely unbiased opinion at least, one of the greatest little communities you can find on campus.

Simply put, Vrijspraak is a student party responsible for the student participation in Tilburg Law School. This faculty knows two participation bodies, the Program Committees and the Faculty council, in which both students as well as teachers are represented. The students in these bodies are all part of our party. Once every month we hold an Open Party Meeting which is, as the name suggests, open to anyone. Here we try to reach a unified point of view, so our delegates can then present a stronger case to the faculty board. If you want to make your voice heard, ask questions or just listen in this is your chance. The opinion of students is always greatly appreciated.

The Program Committees advise the Education and Faculty board about matters concerning education, including content of programs, level of exams, scheduling changes etc. Each student member represents his or her own track.

The Faculty Council consists of seven teachers and seven students. They meet every month to discuss everything regarding the faculty. For example, the faculty budget, appointment of professors or, an ever-returning hot topic, internationalisation.

Then, there is also our very own power couple, the student advisors. One part of the Executive Committee of Education, the other of the faculty board. Both equally invaluable to Vrijspraak. Because of their close relation to the faculty board they function as a connection between them and the student members.

Furthermore, we have several committees. Some internal, meaning they are really only meant for members of the Program Committees or Faculty Council, others external, open to anyone. The external ones are young Vrijspraak and the Best Teacher Election-committee. Young Vrijspraak represents the first- and second year students of Tilburg Law School. They try to solve their problems and aim to bring them closer to student participation by organising various activities. Additionally, Vrijspraak holds a Best Teacher Election every year, organised by its corresponding committee. We celebrate the excellence of our teachers and let them compete in various categories for everlasting fame.

To ensure that party members communicate well between themselves and because we are students after all, we also organise several social activities such as the legendary Vrijspraakweekend, a beer cantus and drinks at Kandinsky after every Open Party Meeting.VrijspraakJFT_EN_copy.eps

And lastly, there is the Vrijspraak board, taking care of the logistics of it all so that the other party members can focus on their respective duties. The board consists of a chairman, a secretary, a general board member and, of course, me. I have since settled into my role as treasurer and would love to welcome you to student party Vrijspraak. So please do feel free to stop on by during our next Open Party Meeting on the 24th of October 19:00 and try the chairs in the Ruth First room (Cz186), or you can always send an email to [email protected] for any questions.