The Master Victimology and Criminal Justice is a unique master’s program focusing on victimology. The master aims at teaching students to academically analyze and professionally solve psychological, economic, political and legal problems arising from victimization. It particularly focuses on the victim within the context of the criminal justice system. The interaction between victims and the criminal justice system is not only addressed from a legal perspective but also from a psychological, sociopolitical and economic perspective. The program also offers an excellent preparation for those who want to pursue a PhD.


The Victimology and Criminal Justice program consists of one compulsory optional course (3 ECTS), eight compulsory courses (39 ECTS) and the master’s thesis (18 ECTS). The compulsory optional course is meant to bridge gaps between the different backgrounds of the students. Students with backgrounds in law or liberal arts have to take the course Introduction to Research Methodologies in Social Sciences. Students with backgrounds in psychology, sociology, anthropology or criminology have to take the course Introduction to law. The fall semester offers the following compulsory courses: Current Issues in Victimology I, Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Justice, Theories and Perspectives on Victimization, Victimization and Health and Victims in National and International Criminal Justice. In the spring semester the following compulsory courses are offered: Current Issues in Victimology II, Psychology and Law and Victimization of Vulnerable Groups.